Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Days Gone is a 2019 open-world action-adventure game developed by Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world two years after a devastating global pandemic that transformed most of humanity. they transform into Freakers, savage, cannibalistic creatures that resemble infected humans. The player plays Deacon St., a stray and bounty hunter trying to survive in this harsh new world. He checks in on John.

Days Gone was released on April 26, 2019, to generally positive reviews from critics, who praised its open world, gameplay, and story. The game was a commercial success, selling more than 8 million copies worldwide.

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now


Days Gone is an open world game with a third-person perspective. The player can explore the world on foot, by motorcycle, or by using various vehicles. The game features a variety of weapons, including guns, melee weapons, and explosives that the player can use to defend themselves against Freakers and other enemies.

The player can also play a stealth game, sneaking around enemies and taking them out silently. The game features a dynamic day/night cycle, with Freakers being more aggressive at night.


The story of Days Gone follows Deacon St., a stray and bounty hunter trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. It’s about John. Deacon is trying to find his wife, Sarah, from whom he separated during the first outbreak of the epidemic.

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Deacon joins a group of survivors called the Lost Lake camp, but soon becomes disillusioned with the group’s leader, Copeland. Deacon decides to leave camp and look for Sarah on his own.

Along the way, Deacon meets various survivors, including his best friend and fellow drifter Boozer; Rikki, a mechanic at Lost Lake; and Iron Mike, a former special forces soldier.

Deacon must also deal with a variety of enemies, including Freaks, marauders, and predators. The Rippers are a cult that worships Freakers and believes the epidemic is a sign of the end times.

open the world

Days Gone features a vast open world that the player can explore freely. The world is divided into many different regions, each with its own unique environment and challenges.

The player can find a variety of useful items in the open world, including weapons, ammunition, crafting materials, and food. The player can also complete side missions and challenges to earn rewards.


Freakers are the main enemies in Days Gone. These are wild, cannibalistic creatures that resemble infected humans. Freaks are most dangerous at night, when they are more aggressive and can move faster.

The player can kill Freakers with a variety of weapons, but they are very durable and can be difficult to kill. The player can also use traps and explosives to kill Freakers.

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now


Combat in Days Gone is fast and challenging. The player needs to be fast and use all the resources at his disposal to survive.

The player can use a variety of weapons, including guns, melee weapons, and explosives, to kill Freakers and other enemies. The player can also use stealth to take out enemies silently.


Vehicles are an important part of Days Gone. They allow the player to quickly travel around the world and evade Freakers and other enemies.

The player can find a variety of vehicles in the open world, including motorcycles, cars and trucks. The player can also customize their vehicles to improve their performance.

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

To produce

Crafting is another important part of Days Gone. The player can craft a variety of items, including weapons, ammunition, and traps.

The player can find crafting materials in the open world or by killing enemies. The player can also purchase crafting materials from merchants.


Days Gone is a fun and challenging open world action-adventure game. The game features a large open world to explore, a variety of enemies to fight, and a fast and challenging combat system.

The story of Days Gone is also interesting and emotional. The actor cares about Deacon and his quest to find his wife, Sarah.

Overall, Days Gone is a great game for fans of open-world action-adventure games. The game is well made and has a lot of content that will keep players entertained for hours.

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Tips for Playing Days Gone

Here are some tips for playing Days Gone:

Use your motorcycle to travel quickly around the world.
Be aware of your surroundings and be prepared for Freakers to attack at any time.
Use stealth gameplay to take out enemies silently.
Upgrade your weapons and vehicle to increase their performance.
** Create various items

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now

How to install the Game in 5 simple steps.

1. Click on the “Download Game” button for a complete installation.
2. Download the “Days Gone” Installer setup (NOTE: This setup is supported resumable download).
3. Open the Game Installer, Click Next and choose the directory where to Install.
4. Let it Download Game in the specified directory of your laptop.
5. Run the Game and Enjoy Playing Full Version Game.

If you face any problem in Running “Days Gone” then please feel free to comment down below, we will reply as soon as possible.


Days Gone Xbox One Game Full Version Download Now